Yes, Putin might be doing unhelpful stuff, as Tussia did when NATO was trying to stop the genocide in ex-Yugo, but he (1) would not be able to make a relatively good case against the US, and (2) would not have a chance of being taken seriously ..... life people will link to this thread as evidence that you wouldn't know the truth if it walked up, introduced itself, gave you its business card, shared some stories about its summer vacation, and then kicked you in the nuts . ...
... Paganica, Tempera, Sant'Elia, Pianola, San Gregorio; Gruppo 2 Sant'Eusanio Forconese, Fossa, Ocre, Bagno, Civita di Bagno, Monticchio, Ripa; Gruppo 3 Onna, Poggio Picense, Petogna, Barisciano, Castelnuovo, Prata d'Ansidonia, Tussio, San Pio. ..... Il bilancio sarebbe potuto essere drammatico se il sisma ci fosse stato durante l'estate o la settimana prossima, nel periodo pasquale. Molte delle case di Castelnuovo sono infatti di propriet? di persone non del luogo, ...